An initial visit between Golden Hour Pets management and pet family is required and is at no cost if scheduled with at least 2 days notice. We recommend scheduling this visit within a week of the first scheduled visit with a sitter.
Prior to the Meet-N-Greet we ask that you complete your profile setup on Time To Pet. Please Complete the "My Info" tab and "Pets" tab in Time To Pet before this meeting so that we can confirm all information is complete. This should include but is not limited to your address, contact info, entry instructions, and pet care instructions. Please include any behavioral issues.
At the visit, we will ask to see each pet's routine, medication, location of supplies, and cleaning supplies. We will want to interact with all pets, explain policies, explain app usage and answer any questions you may have! The more information you share, the better.
Please have two ways of entry available at the Meet and Greet. This can be two keys, a door code, garage code, etc. We ask for a primary method of entry and a backup just in case the first method fails.